Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I think this would be a good model

entry by dom

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Future of MF²

Several interviews with the "Higher Power" of MF² were kind enough to give several pointers to the future of our beloved club.

The Chinese New Year party was an amazing hit, despite several late arrivals and beginning late, reports indicate everybody was satisfied and much more. [Kudos to the excellent teamwork and rehearsal(s)].

The party is over, but what about MF²? Our beloved business club has not met an end after its alleged task, we are moving forward, just slightly slow, but steady.

Most of the group's important members have more pressing matters to attend for the time being, namely our O Level exams. Without any events coming before the exams, we have moved to concentrate on achieving good grades to help ourselves for the future. All this accomplished by the excellent work from our facilitators and teachers.

After that, MF² can return to make history for Honsbridge yet again, so, best of luck and keep an eye out for our comeback.

Copyright© 2010 Joshua Cheong

Thursday, February 18, 2010

11th Feb. Rehearsal.

The rehearsal for our Chinese New Year/Valentine Party took place between 2:30PM to 4:00PM, on the 11th [Thursday].

Due to slight miscommunication in the, ah..."White House", we did not have the pleasure of several of the members in the committee. All together, decisions were made and the day was set in motion.

At 10:50 [am], the team gathered for a short meeting to discuss matters, including the plan for the days events. In the beginning, things were slightly messy but quickly brought under control by the excellent display of leadership, by our President - Zee.

Lauren and Zee began by explaining the details of the day's plan, and requesting everyone take action to ensure that they may, if possible, participate. However, to all our dismay, not everyone could make it. The time was set; the meeting shall take place at 2:30 [pm] and continue until 4:00 [pm].

Shortly afterwards, Zee expressed her concern about the urgency and importance of fore-planning and reminded everyone how seriously these events are. She was fully backed up by a very motivational speech provided by Mr. Dominic, whom we respect for that.

The day's timetable for our education proceeded as plan, and we gathered together for the preparations. We decided to split into groups, each with a designated task and responsibility. However, we were only able to bring about 3 groups due to some unavailable members.

The three groups were Dance, Event Organization and The Writing for the Sketch.
There was a buzz of activity in all of the three groups, and sadly I was unable to keep track of everything but I managed to pen down some key points, thanks to the advice of Miss Emma and Mr. Dominic.


In Dance, Lauren was quick to take charge and select songs, dance types and other important materials including possible choreography and audio editing. As far as I know, Michael Jackson songs shall be the decided music. Elise, Deidrea and Daniel were "testing" out several moves to go with the music in the most...interesting manner.

Angeline was put in charge of the editing of the music, as her skills and talents were displayed quite well during our Halloween party.

[Insert Picture of intriguing dance moves tested out by the dance team here]

Event Organization+Decor.[?]

Unfortunately I was not able to pick up much from this area. There appeared to be organization definitely, but some decorations as well. However digging in I found it was mainly event organization. Sadly, I was unable to tell who was doing what as the members of this group were quite...difficult to decipher and quick paced. I did notice Angeline most of the time in this area, so maybe further clarification can come from her.

[Insert Discretely-taken Picture of Event Organization team here]

Writers for the Sketch

In this department we find a quite determined Zee and Micheline bouncing ideas off each other and selecting appropriate people to act as one another. Being involved in the sketch, I was unfortunately denied access to any clearer details and information regarding this play, but I am certain it will be one to remember...for the right reasons. I hope...


In conclusion, that was a one-and-a-half hour well spent. We got things done, although not all, and the momentum will be kept going by the following meeting, taking place the next day [Friday]. However, we all left with slight satisfaction, fun memories, and a higher respect for Mr. Dominic [if possible].

Copyright© 2010 Joshua Cheong